Standard search
To perform a search for an item on staticICE, simply type in your
search words and press 'enter' (or click on the Go button). staticICE
only returns items that contain all your search words.
go to the search page 
All prices are tax inclusive
For a fair comparison, all prices displayed on the staticICE search results are inclusive of tax.
Only 500 items are returned
Due to the nature of our service, which is to assist you in finding the
lowest price for an item, only the first 500 links (sorted
by price followed by update time) are returned for each search. This will reduce the load on our
servers and deliver a more efficient service to our users.
If you do not find the product that you are after, try using our
advanced search page to refine your search results.
Case insensitive
The searches performed on staticICE are not case sensitive. That is,
it does not matter whether you use lowercase, uppercase or mixed case. The
same results will be returned as long as the search words are the same.
Refining the search results
Selecting your search words carefully is important to yield the most
relevant results. You can easily refine the search results by either
specifying additional words or specifying words which should be excluded
from the search results. Here are some search tips to try:
- Only the item's model. e.g. tf700
- Word exclusion. e.g. asus transformer -adapter
- The item's model and/or the item's manufacturer. e.g. asus infinity tf700
- Some technical aspects of the item. e.g. tablet tf700 asus
Advanced search
The purpose of the advanced search feature is to refine the search
results for a very specific item. staticICE offers a suite of meta tags
which are interpreted in a special way. These meta tags are also available
in the standard search box.
For example, site: is a special meta tag and the query "wireless
site:computer" will not perform a normal search but will return items
containing the word wireless from retailers that have "computer"
in their domain name.
Supported meta tags:
- Phrases: "quoted words"
To search for exact phrases, enclose your search words in a pair of
quotes. This ensures that the search is performed to exactly how you have
Example: To search for items with the exact phrase "asus transformer", search for:
"asus transformer"
- Search Exclusion: - prefix
To exclude certain words or phrases from the search results, simply
prefix your search word (or phrase) with a hyphen. Make sure there is a
space before the hyphen character (except when the hyphen character
is the first keyword in the search box). Do not place spaces after the
Example: To search for wireless cards excluding pcmcia cards, search for: wireless card -pcmcia
- Site Restriction: site:
To restrict your search to specific retailers, staticICE allows you to
specify keywords using the site: meta tag. The site: meta
tag performs a search against the retailers' domain name.
Multiple sites can be specified by separating each entry with a comma.
Make sure there are no spaces between the colon and the comma characters.
Example: To search for 19 inch LCDs from stores which have comp
in their domain name, search for:
19 lcd monitor site:comp
- Price Range: price:£lower..£upper
To specify a price range for the item you are searching for, simply specify
price:£lower..£upper as part of your search words. Make sure
there are no spaces surrounding the : and .. characters.
The dollar signs are optional.
Specifying only the lower boundary will return results that are
greater than the minimum price. Specifying only the upper boundary will
perform searches that are lower than the maximum price.
Example 1: To search for digital SLRs between $600 and $1200, search for
digital slr price:$600..$1200
Example 2: To search for digital SLRs greater than $2000, search for
digital slr price:2000
Example 3: To search for digital cameras less than $100, search for
digital camera price:..100
- Links Per Page: links:
You can change the number of entries listed on each search results page
by adding the links: meta tag as part of your search keywords.
Make sure there are no spaces before and after the :.
Example: To display 30 items per page when searching for 256G SSD,
search for:
256G SSD links:30
go to the advanced search page 
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